The aim of the Armed Forces Medical College is to train two groups of specially selected candidates called AMC cadets and AFMC cadets respectively for five academic years according to the syllabus laid down by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) for MBBS degree to be conferred by the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and to create a group of high quality career doctors for the Armed Forces as well as the nation.

The objectives of Armed Forces Medical College are
a. To teach biomedical sciences traditionally required for medical graduates to meet the responsibilities of providing preventive as well as curative health care to the people of Bangladesh.
b. To produce well disciplined, self-motivated and dedicated doctors imbued with the spirit of devotion of duty, kindness, tolerance, patience and compassion.
c. To impart those aspects of basic military training as are required to turn each cadets into a highly disciplined, physically and mentally fit, morally and ethically upright and professionally dedicated medical graduates capable of providing health care services in adverse physical and psychosocial environment both in and outside the country and during war and peace.
d. To instill a wide knowledge of the social and economic condition of Bangladesh with a view to imbuing them the beliefs, values and ideals of the nation.
e. To inspire development of essential character qualities, strong sense of righteousness and a basic desire to serve the suffering humanity.

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