
Psychiatry considers all aspects of human experience over the whole of life span. Psychiatry is the most “human” specialty devoted to the understanding of the whole person in health and illness.  Department of psychiatry offers training to the medical students of 4th & 5th year of MBBS course. The main objective of the department is to teach the student who will be able to comprehend the concept of mental health care and be aware of the role of the medical doctor in detecting common psychiatric disorder in the community, historical concept and its gradual development to provide appropriate management to patients in the community and deal psychiatric emergencies in hospital and community. Total allocation of teaching hours for the subject is 20 hours for theoretical lectures and 05 weeks for clinical clerkship (ward duties) and practical classes as per syllabus. We believe in the slogan that there is “No Health without mental Health”.

Sl Image Name Designation Email Action
1 img Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Monirul Islam Classified Specialist in Psychiatry, CMH Dhaka View Details
2 img Lieutenant Colonel Jesmin Akhter Classified Specialist in Psychiatry, CMH Dhaka View Details
3 img Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Abu lKayum Shaikh Classified Specialist in Psychiatry, CMH Dhaka View Details
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