
Department of Anesthesiology offers training to the medical students of 3rd, 4thand 5thyear of MBBS course. The main objective of the department is to teach the student who will be able to be aware of safety in anaesthesia, aware of the possible complications and management, demonstrate basic knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and describe the scope of anesthesia in rural environment. Total allocation of teaching hours for the subject is 22 hours, out of which 10 hours are for theoretical lectures and 12 hours for demonstration in operation theaters. The department also coducts basic and advanced life support (BLS+ALS) workshops.

Sl Image Name Designation Email Action
1 img Brigadier General Nadeem Parvez Ali Professor & Head of the Department View Details
2 img Lieutenant Colonel Molla Md Rubaiat Associate Professor View Details
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